The current officers for 2025 were elected by the membership in late 2024. If you would like to become more involved with SIGEd, or you have any other suggestions, feedback or questions, please contact us at  [email protected].


Rosetta Romano

E-mail: [email protected]
Term: 2025

Rosetta Romano is an Assistant Professor of Information Technology and Systems in the Faculty of Science & Technology at the University of Canberra. She is an Information Systems researcher. Information systems involve humans, processes, and technology to solve business problems. Her Ph.D. research used information systems to compare the legislative burden on an individual being assessed as an ‘Australian resident’ by the government in the welfare, taxation, and immigration settings. An ontology can be used to describe the relationships between things in a system.

After 36 years in the Australian Public Service, she accepted a role at the university where she completed her Bachelor of Arts (Accounting), Master by Research, and Ph.D. part-time studies. As one of two early adopters, she volunteered and developed an Indigenised curriculum for Information Technology. A first for the faculty. In 2021, the work received an international Best Conference Paper award. In 2022, the work attracted a national grant and a University of Canberra Teaching Award for a Program that enhances student learning.

In 2023 she is embarking on a sabbatical to concentrate on her emerging cyber security research. Funding this research are Surround Australia (experts in visualizing the relationships in data to create business knowledge) and Pathfinders Ltd (a not-for-profit company delivering programs and services aiming to improve the quality of life and well-being for children, youth, and families). The aim of the sabbatical is to demonstrate the use of information systems to assist Indigenous, micro, small, and medium businesses to make sense of the cyber security standards that exist to avoid minimum sets of risks that are inherent when operating connected systems. A handbook will be written and reviewed by Indigenous, micro, small, and medium businesses in Australia to support them in understanding why compliance with cyber security standards is so important.

President Elect

Jayan Chirayath Kurian

E-Mail: [email protected]
Term: 2025

Jayan Kurian is a Lecturer and an experienced Information Systems researcher and developer who is passionate about the realisation of technology that aids humans in spatial computing, business process management and digital transformation. He has a particular interest in mixed and virtual reality systems and their application in aged care, emergency management, contact sports and education. He has led the development of institutional repository for the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to address real-world problems faced in archiving scholarly articles in a university setting. Jayan was a member of the DSPace Leadership group and was the primary mentor for two projects funded by Google and the DSpace Foundation while working at the Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore. He was invited to attend the Google Summer of Code Mentors’ summit at Google, California. Jayan received the eINDIA award for the best ICT enabled University of the year while working on the SIP@IR Google Summer of Code project. He has professional certifications from PegaSystems, Oracle, Microsoft, SUN Microsystems, Prosoft and CompTIA. He was appointed as a Subject Matter Expert by the Computing Technology Industry Association and as a Judge in the Singapore National Skills Competition. His research examines the communication patterns on the Social Networking Sites of Emergency Management Organisations and has been published in Computer and Education, Online Information Review, FirstMonday, Hawaii International conference on Information Systems, PACIS, ACIS, AIS-SIGEd, and AMCIS. Jayan received his M.Phil in Computer science and Information Technology from the University of Nottingham and PhD degree (2019) from the University of Canberra. Jayan also finds time to help his community through his volunteer work at the ACT State Emergency Services and is a recipient of the Canberra Citizen of the Year Award 2020.

Past President

Vasso Stylianou

E-mail: Vasso Stylianou
Term: 2025

Dr. Vasso Stylianou is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Management Information Systems, and the Program Coordinator for the undergraduate program of Computer Science, at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus.  She received a Doctorate Degree from the Middlesex University, UK, for research work in the area of Knowledge Management.  She also holds an MBA degree with concentration on Information Systems from the MSM Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands, a BSc in Computer Science from Intercollege, Cyprus and an ASc in Business Data Processing from the University of Indianapolis, USA.  She is a dedicated academic, with a long experience in tertiary education, and researcher with a number of publications in book chapters, academic journals and international conference proceedings.  She has attended and presented her work in several international conferences.  She has also served as a reviewer and a member of the organizing and scientific committees of international conferences and journals.  Her research interests include Knowledge Management, ICT in Education, E-Learning, Databases, and Computer Graphics.  She is currently researching issues relating to Creative Thinking and Learning, Gamification in Education, and Knowledge Management.


Simon Thompson

E-mail: [email protected]
Term: 2025-2026


Toon Abcouwer

E-Mail: Toon Abcouwer
Term: 2024-2025

Toon works at the University of Amsterdam at the Faculty of Science. His research interest is on how organisations deal with crises. Especially the different roles that information and information systems play in the various phases of crisis handling has his particular interest. Management must learn to deal with the problem to integrate that roles in one single Information systems infrastructure. Based on the understanding of these organisational change processes, he published several articles with a focus on the requirements for eLearning in the different phases of the change processes. Do we teach our students to deal with challenges now, in the foreseeable future or the unknown future? And how do we develop information infrastructures that facilitate these different learning processes organisations go through?

Research Director

Tania Prinsloo

Office: +27 12 420 5855
E-mail: Tania Prinsloo
Term: 2025-2026

Tania Prinsloo is a senior lecturer in Informatics at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. She obtained her doctorate in 2018 and her research focus is two-fold: ICT for Agriculture and ICT for Education, both falling under the auspices of ICT4D. In 2018, she received the Newton grant and visited the School of Agriculture of the University of Reading for six weeks. She wrote an article for SIGED with a colleague from Reading about MOOCs, also in 2018. In recognition of her research publication outputs, the National Research Foundation of South Africa awarded her a Y2 researcher rating in 2020, classifying her as a young researcher having the potential to be recognised internationally for the research she is doing. In total, she has published five journal publications and ten conference publications. She also published an article in The Conversation Africa in 2019, which attracted significant attention.

Membership Director

Riana Steyn

E-mail: [email protected]
Term: 2025-2026


Publication Director

Craig Van Slyke

E-mail: [email protected]
Term: 2025-2026

.Craig Van Slyke is the Mike McCallister Eminent Scholar Chair in Information Systems at Louisiana Tech University. Before joining Tech, he was professor and dean of the W.A. Franke College of Business at Northern Arizona University, and before that, professor, associate dean and department chair at Saint Louis University. He has also held faculty positions at the University of Central Florida, and Ohio University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of South Florida. His current research focuses on behavioral aspects of information technology, cyber security, and privacy. Dr. Van Slyke has published over sixty articles in respected journals including Communications of the AIS, Decision Sciences, Communications of the ACM, European Journal of Information Systems, The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, and Journal of the Association for Information Systems.  The fifth edition of his fourth co-authored textbook, Information Systems in Business: An Experiential Approach, was published in 2024.

Website Director

Helena Vallo Hult

E-mail: Helena Vallo Hult
Term: 2024-2025

Helena Vallo Hult is an Assistant Professor at School of Business, Economics and IT, University West, Sweden and works in the NU hospital group with research and development in the area of digital healthcare, with a specific aim to increase collaboration and interdisciplinary research that contribute to both practice and academia. Her research focuses on the role of information systems for work and learning, with a special interest in sociotechnical perspectives and qualitative methods. Helena has acted as a reviewer and member of the organizing committees of international conferences and has published her research in in major conferences and journals within Information Systems (IS), along with Workplace Learning (WPL) and Healthcare Informatics.

Board member

Richa Awasthy

E-mail: [email protected]

Term 2024-2025

Dr. Richa Awasthy is Program Director and Assistant Professor at the School of Information Technology and Systems (ITS) in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Canberra (UC), Australia. Recently, she received the ‘Fellow’ status from Advance HE, UK. She completed her Ph.D. from the Australian National University with her research focusing on improving university-industry collaboration. She has been into teaching field for more than 10 years teaching varied range of courses in Computer Science field at both undergraduate and postgraduate level with full responsibilities of those courses, including engagement with external partners such as AWS, and Microsoft for alignment of learning objectives of these units with industry expectations for workforce. With her involvement in SIGED, she looks forward to make further contributions to IT education.