AIS SIGED held its annual International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research (ICISER 2023) on December 9-10, 2023 in Hyderabad, India a hybrid conference in conjunction with ICIS 2023
The role of information and knowledge is changing in contemporary society, with different requirements regarding the use and development of IS/IT. Besides, it also influences how we educate IS/IT. The double challenge of education of IS and education with IS forms the core of the topics we discuss at the ICISER conference.
The four best papers submitted were recommended for fast tracking to the education section of Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS). Also, Best Paper Award was announced at the conference.
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2023 Conference Committee:
- Rosetta Romano (President Elect and Conference Committee Chair), [email protected]
- Vasso Stylianou (President ), [email protected]
- Toon Abcouwer (Past-President), [email protected],
- Tania Prinsloo (Research Chair), [email protected]
2023 Program Committee
Abcouwer Toon, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lori Baker-Eveleth, University of Idaho, Idaho, USA
Ivo Benke, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Colleen Carraher-Wolverton, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Tom Case, Georgia Southern University, Georgia, USA
Sean Eom, Southeast Missouri State University, Missouri, USA
Mary Granger, George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA
David Green, Governors State University, Chicago, USA
Ridewaan Hanslo, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Blooma John, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia
Nita Mennega, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
John Muraski, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Meg Murray, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA
Tania Prinsloo, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Rosetta Romano, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia
John Sören Pettersson, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden
Riana Steyn, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Vasso Stylianou, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
Heikki Topi, Bentley University, Massachusetts, USA
Dimitrios Tsekouras, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Amsterdam
Craig Tyran, Western Washington University, Washington, USA
Craig Van Slyke, Louisiana Tech University, Louisiana, USA
Award Winners
Best Student Paper
Designing a Business Model Ideation Tool for Entrepreneurship Education
Ricarda Schlimbach, Tim C. Lange, Felix Wagner, Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Thorsten Schoormann
Best Paper Awards (Two winners)
Educational Experience through the Lens of Blended Learning: A Conjoint Analysis of Student and Teacher Preferences
Dimitrios Tsekouras, Dimitrios Vlachopoulos, Tessa Bode
Efficacy Beliefs and Outcomes: Socio-Cognitive Perspectives on a Faculty-Led CoP
John Michael Muraski, Donald H. Heath, Michael A. Eierman, Michael Patton
Best Reviewer
Ivo Benke
Call for papers and submission guidelines
All papers are to be submitted in Rich Text Format or Microsoft Word file format via the Submission System:
Reviewers guidelines: SIGED-Reviewers-Guidelines-v2.2-June-2023.pdf